An effort needs to be made to transition to organic food and to eliminate the use of all pesticides and herbicides. This is a far more beneficial and worthwhile goal than reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero, which is another huge fraud we’re being brainwashed to believe in.

GPs doling out antidepressants to mildly depressed patients is a great example of indoctrination and brainwashing in the medical profession. These doctors have been brainwashed by their training into doing enormous harm to their patients, in violation of their oath to do no harm.


Whatever the globalist enemy has in store for us in the future, do not comply the way most people complied with the COVID madness. Do not wear masks, do not accept lockdowns, and do not allow them to inject you with deadly experimental gene therapy injections. Just do not comply.

A huge and unprecedented increase in death and disease in the younger and healthier population followed the introduction of the COVID vaccine. Cancer is rampant like never before. It’s important to note that none of these people had any need whatsoever for receiving this vaccine.


Globalist leaders pushing for Ukraine to join NATO are pushing us closer to a possible nuclear war. There’s no good reason for NATO to even exist, let alone to admit Ukraine as a member, which could lead to NATO nations all entering into a major war with Russia, a total disaster.

There is no reason whatsoever to adopt a warmongering stance toward Russia, as NATO and Western nations are presently doing, because Russia poses no threat to these nations. It’s NATO and Western nations that are posing a serious threat to Russia by supporting the war in Ukraine.


Whenever government or health authorities claim that they’re doing something for your safety, it should raise a huge red flag. Protecting people’s safety is the excuse these scoundrels always use for doing things that are downright harmful and for taking away the people’s rights.

Access to raw milk has been restricted in Canada for quite some time now, and now the corrupt Canadian government is conspiring to restrict people’s access to nutritional supplements. The end result will be to make people sicker and to increase pharmaceutical company profits.


Vaccination is becoming more and more unsafe and dangerous. More vaccines are being given than ever before in history at younger and younger ages, and the latest vaccine technology, the mRNA COVID vaccine technology, is the most dangerous and deadly vaccine technology in history.

Cancer-causing SV40 virus contamination in the oral polio vaccine was a great example of the reckless, irresponsible practices that run rampant in the vaccine industry and that expose children and other human beings to huge risks. Putting millions at risk like this is despicable.


Thank God for the few honest medical scientists and doctors that we do have who speak out against the rampant dishonesty and corruption that exists in the medical and health establishment. Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Dr. Andrew Wakefield are great examples of these types of heroes.

Instead of listening to medical doctors and other health professionals who have been brainwashed into accepting the religion of vaccines, we should be listening to real experts such as Dr. Suzanne Humphries who have studied the science of vaccines and come to correct conclusions.

Del Bigtree Interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries

The government coercing social media platforms to censor speech it does not agree with is an egregious violation of our right of free speech and the criminal action of a corrupt and tyrannical government. Government must not be allowed to use social media to censor free speech.

Billions of people being fooled or forced into accepting an experimental injection that not only is harmful, but doesn’t even work was one of the most egregious crimes ever committed in all of world history. This was accomplished by suppressing free speech and disseminating lies.


We do have a serious pollution problem, but what the climate cultists complain the loudest about, carbon dioxide, is not a pollutant. The real pollutants are toxic chemicals like glyphosate and man-made particles that are polluting the stratosphere and creating ugly fake clouds.

I hope Bayer has to pay out so much money to all the people who are suing them over glyphosate causing cancer that the crooked company goes totally bankrupt. That’s what they deserve for buying Monsanto, one of the most corrupt and destructive corporations that has ever existed.


Health officials lied when they told us that COVID-19 vaccination would prevent infection and stop the transmission of the virus. The experimental injection does not prevent infection or stop transmission. It wasn’t even tested for that in the trials. The rotten scoundrels lied.

Health officials lied when they told us that wearing masks in the community helped stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Simple common sense tells us that a virus can either go through a mask due to its small size or go around the mask instead. The rotten scoundrels simply lied.


If they lied to us about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s a sure bet that they’re lying to us about climate change also. The experimental vaccine was neither safe nor effective, and our planet is not going through a man-made climate crisis. It’s fake science.

Never forget that millions of years ago, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was much higher than it is today, and life on earth thrived in that time period. Yet we are now being told that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a serious threat to life on earth. They lie.